

  • 可在登入的畫面右上方Sign Up的按鈕,輸入mail跟密碼便可自行購買且視同加入會員,或是使用社群帳號登入(目前提供Facebook帳號可登入)
  • 下單前請再次確認您的購買明細及配送資訊無誤,訂單成立後無法異動訂單內容(包含商品明細、付款方式、配送方式及拆併單),且官網系統若確認訂單成立成功將會直接拋轉至物流出貨,無法協助取消,還請見諒,謝謝。
  • 現貨及預購商品須分開成立訂單。


First-Time Purchase:

  • Click “Sign Up” in the upper right corner of Log In section, set up your e-mail and password in order to purchase on our website as well as become HER member. Besides, a Facebook account is also available to finish further purchase.
  • For international customers who prefer shopping in English, please visit the "Shopping Cart" page, click the "≡ MENU" button in the upper left corner first (for smartphone users), and then click    "🌐LANGUAGE" to switch Chinese into English.
  • Please make sure your order and shipping information are all correct before you place the order. We are not able to change out the items or any payment and shipping information once the order has been placed.
  • In-stock and pre-order items should be purchased separately in different order.


  • 線上刷卡
  • 銀聯卡
  • ATM虛擬帳號匯款 (一日內未匯款訂單自動取消)
  • Fasney後支付


  • Credit cards
  • Union Pay
  • ATM Wire transfer (Orders will be canceled if you don’t make a remittance in 24 hours)
  • Fasney



  • 宅配
  • 超商 (若取貨包裹金額為0元,請務必於訂購時填寫與身分證相符的姓名,並攜帶證件領取包裹,以免造成無法領取情況發生)



  • HER by h將依照配送地區及包裹特性選擇適合的國際快遞業者進行配送,請依照官網訂單內顯示的配送快遞為主。 (順豐、DHL等國際快捷等)。
  • 因各運送公司不定期調整運費之計算方式,故實際將以結帳時所顯示之運費為主
  • 而各國進口關稅標準不同,若領取包裹時,貴國欲收取商品之關稅或偏遠地區另收之費用,需買家自行支付
  • 配送國家(配送天數):越南(4~6)、泰國(2~3)、韓國(2~3)、馬來西亞(2~3)、新加坡(2~3)、香港(1~2)、澳門(1~2)、中國(1~5)、美國(2~3)、加拿大(2~3)、澳洲(4~5)、紐西蘭(3~4)、英國(3~4)、德國(3~4)、法國(3~4)、日本(2~3)、菲律賓(2~3)、印尼(3~5)、汶萊(4~5)、瑞士(4~6)、丹麥(4~6)、西班牙(4~6)、瑞典(4~6)、挪威(4~6)、波蘭(4~6)、比利時(3~4)、義大利(3~4)、盧森堡(3~4)、荷蘭(3~4)、巴西(5~6)、智利(5~7)、巴拉圭(5~7)
  • 補充說明-因受到疫情影響部分國家暫無提供進出口包裹,若有開放將會在於官網直接公告或更新海外配送國家



You will be charged a shipping fee NT$80 for orders less than NT$5,000.

  • Home Delivery
  • In-store pickup (Make sure to bring your ID Card when picking up your package.)



  • We have partnership with several international shipping companies, such as SF Express, DHL, EMS, etc. Your order will be shipped by the company which is the most suitable for your location and package.
  • At the time of processing your purchase, we will show you the available shipping methods and the shipping fee of your order.
  • All international packages may be subject to duties and taxes. The limits for duty-free packages are established by your local customs authorities. Please check your local customs website for more information.
  • Countries (Estimated delivery days):Vietnam(4~6)、Thailand(2~3)、South Korea(2~3)、Malaysia(2~3)、Singapore(2~3)、Hong Kong(1~2)、Macau(1~2)、China(1~5)、United States(2~3)、Canada(2~3)、Australia(4~5)、New Zealand(3~4)、United Kingdom(3~4)、Germany(3~4)、France(3~4)、Japan(2~3)、Philippine(2~3)、Indonesia(3~5)、Brunei Darussalam (4~5)、Switzerland (4~6)、Denmark (4~6)、Spain(4~6)、Sweden (4~6)、Norway (4~6)、Poland(4~6)、Belgium(3~4)、Italy(3~4)、Luxemburg (3~4)、Netherlands (3~4)、Brazil(5~6)、Chile(5~7)、Paraguay(5~7)
  • Please note, due to the ongoing impact of Covid-19, we are currently unable to offer shipments to restricted area. The shipping restrictions will be updated once the countries are unrestricted.



  • 宅配:商品約1-2天陸續出貨,並依照國內地區調節配送。
  • 超商:商品約1-2天陸續出貨,寄出後約2-3天送達門市,會發送門市到貨簡訊通知。
  • 海外:商品約1-2天陸續出貨,並依照海外地區調節配送。



※ 線上刷卡付款以信用卡對帳成功時間為主;實際包裹出貨時間仍將依訂單量調節,可能提前或延後。



  • Home Delivery – Orders will be ship out in 1-2 days, and the delivery company reserves the right to make flexible adjustments pending the delivery volume of the day and the time.
  • In-store pickup - Orders will be ship out in 1-2 days, and will arrived in store within 2-3 days. We will texted out to you as soon as your package arrive.
  • Overseas - Orders will be ship out in 1-2 days, and the international delivery company reserves the right to make flexible adjustments pending the delivery volume of the day and the time.


The estimated shipping date for the item will be displayed on the product page. The item will be reserved for you and mailed out to you as soon as the item ships out.

※ Online payment is oriented by the bank statements. The actual shipping date of pre-orders depends on the arrival date, may be sooner or later than the estimated.








【In-store pickup】:

【Home Delivery】:



請於訂購商品前先確認,如商品有鑑賞期退換貨或任何問題歡迎聯絡客服信箱 ([email protected])


If you have any return/exchange problem, or are unable to find guidance about your concern, you may reach out by sending an email to ([email protected])